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Hydraulic Recoil Buffer for VR80 Shotgun by KynSHOT

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  • Dampens Bolt Carrier Movement for Smoother Cycling
  • Reduces Recoil and Vibration
  • Reduces Wear on Parts
  • Speeds Sight Recovery
  • Stainless Steel Construction
  • With a simple drop-in replacement of the standard buffer with a KynSHOT buffer you can instantly upgrade the following:
  1. Felt recoil
  2. Improve Accuracy and Reliability
  3. Reduced Bolt Carrier Speed
  4. Reduced Wear on Parts
  5. Reduced Shock and Vibration to Optics
  6. Suppress Bolt Bounce
  7. Improve Service Life and Dependability
  8. Improve Clustering
  9. Reduced Shoulder Flinching

**Proper gunsmith fitting required for accurate fit & safe function.


PLEASE NOTE:  If you purchase this item by mistake and would like to return it, we will accept your request. However, we reserve the right to charge you a 10% restocking fee if the item is damaged, scratched, or altered from its original state. You will also have to pay to ship back to us. Thank you.