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Tannerite® 1/2 Pound Entry level Target -Single 1/2 Pound Target

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Treat all binary targets with respect. Misuse of binary targets could result in serious injuries or death To ensure a homogeneous composition, be sure to use the mixing container that’s included with every Tannerite® brand binary rifle target purchase and shake well to achieve uniform mixing Place ¼, ½, and 1 lb targets down range at least 100 yards before shooting. Place 2 lb targets 200 yards down range before shooting. We recommend elevating the target above the ground to reduce the amount of flying debris Remember that the legal use of these targets is as a shot indicator only Mix the targets at the range and shoot them immediately. Do not transport, store, or sell the mixed composition unless you have the appropriate explosives endorsements Always wear ear and eye protection Be sure to use in a remote area only and respect the adjoining property owner’s right to tranquility Do not use target in locations where a general fire order is in effect and do not use target near combustible materials As always, respect local noise ordinances and always use Tannerite® Brand Binary Rifle Targets as directed by the manufacturer Please store at room temperature in a dry location Never place these targets inside, on top of, or under any metal, rock, or other surfaces that could produce flying debris or sparks, or within another object. This is dangerous and constitutes improper use of the product.